Monday, April 18, 2016

IDE shortcuts for adding function definitions

So when I'm writing C++ (or C) code, I constantly find myself either writing a function inside the header (.h) file, and later wanting to move it to the the implementation (.cpp) file.... or KNOWING I'll want it in the .cpp at the outset, but having to re-type out all the boilerplate in the .cpp again.

I mostly use CLion these days for C++ development... and while it's generally a nice IDE, I was dismayed to find it doesn't have couldn't find a refactor option for this*. Eclipse, however, has one: "Toggle Function defintion". You can get at it right clicking in the function definition, going to "Refactor" > "Toggle Function Defintion"... or by just pressing Shift+Alt+T.

It has a few caveats, however:
  • You have to do each function one at a time 
  • It's a two step process - it will first shift it to outside the class declaration, but still within the header file, as an inline definition... you then have to scroll down to it, click on it again, and move it to the .cpp file. 
  • You have to have a defintion; so for cases where I know I'm going to want it in the .cpp at the outset, I have to add an empty definition ({}), then click on it, before moving. 
The last gripe is pretty minor, but the other two cost time... though they STILL save enough time that I find myself keeping a copy of Eclipse open, alongside my copy of CLion, just to use this feature.

Why don't I just use Eclipse / CDT full time? Good question... but my answer started to veer off topic a bit, so I put it in another post..

*Update! A friend showed me that CLion does, indeed have an intention - just go to the declaration, press "Alt-Enter", then choose "Implement function 'foo'" - or, if it's already defined in the header, click on the name, hit"Alt-Enter", then choose "Move function definition to source file".  Huzzah!

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